Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Bomb (office) girl

On Bomb Girls night, I'd like to reflect for a moment on one of the minor characters, Carol Demers. If she weren't a fictional character, I'd feel slightly sorry for her -- even though she's young, rich, beautiful, and regularly unpleasant. 

What makes her pitiful is that she exists only to make her old friend Gladys, one of the major characters, look good. She does this, first of all, just by being there to show that Gladys had at least one friend before the series began and is not a complete social misfit. Then, her job is to say all the insensitive rich-girl things Gladys can't say because we're supposed to like her -- and get sassed for them.

When the bomb girls show up for a fundraiser at Gladys', Carol greets them with "This isn't the back door!" to which Vera says, "Damn right!"

Vera has grounds to be sassy -- earlier Carol had stopped her from meeting some visitors to the plant, inspectors or something, because Vera's scar might raise safety issues in their minds. You see what I mean.

No matter how it seems sometimes, no real human being is created to be harsh to others -- or to make someone else seem more loveable by comparison. We're all meant to be the best we can, which is usually better than we think . . .okay, time for TV.

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