Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Things to ask yourself . . .

. . . before you leave a "this is boring" comment on any online article.

(No, it hasn't happened here. Yet.)

(And don't worry, I'm not going to appeal to empathy or charity or anything.)

  1. What does it say about me that I had time to read a 350-word article of absolutely no interest to me?
  2. What are the chances that my comment, which says nothing specifically about the content of the article, will be mistaken for spam and just deleted?
  3. Could I write a more interesting article on a subject I didn't choose myself?
  4. Could I write a more boring article, perhaps simply by describing my day?
  5. What exactly am I trying to accomplish? If it's "annoying someone", am I possibly already doing that IRL?

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