Saturday, February 11, 2012


Right -- time to explain myself.

This is my sort of token Catholic blog; this is where I establish my identity in case I want to comment on Catholic sites (which, I'm sure, I'll suddenly find myself with time to do).

The thing is, I'm an editor on the fringes of the secular media -- nothing well-known, yet -- and some of the articles that pass under my cursor might be seen as depriving me of any Catholic cred. My job is to hold writers to my employer's standards, not my own, and those standards are "common decency" rather than "Catholic fidelity".

So I've let through some stuff that I violently disagree with, changing nothing but the grammar and spelling. And there are other things that might disqualify me from what Red Cardigan calls "".

Anyway, I wonder how much credibility St. Eunice herself -- the real Eunike -- would've had as a Catholic blogger. After all, she was married to a Greek who may have believed in the true God, but if so, that was all. She didn't manage to get her son circumcised. (Probably where her husband drew the line: "You want to cut off his what? Look, I don't mind you refusing to cook pork or do housework on Saturdays, but this is too much!") She leaned heavily on her mother for help raising that son, especially his religious instruction. That same mother had given her the name of a pagan god's daughter.

But Eunike must have done something right.

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